Inner Goddess Guidance 03.09.21

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Dear Inner Goddess:

I haven’t been following your guidance 100%, how do I move past this feeling of guilt and betrayal?

Dear One:

Stop wallowing, forgive yourself and keep it moving. Then share your personal experience. 

Personal Experience Using Oracle Decks

When I first started using oracle guidance decks, it was new and exciting! I received so much guidance! However, when I reflect on those times, it was actually an overload of information. After my parents died, I (ego) knew I was being called to change my life. I just didn’t know how to do so, hence gathering resources and tools to help, including oracle decks. 

When I would do a reading for myself, I would take SO many notes to decipher the message to try to apply it to my life. While my Inner Goddess was heavily involved in the process, my ego was still in the driver’s seat, trying to control the wheel as usual. The problem with that scenario is that I didn’t exactly know where I was going. I was just roaming because I had been used to driving by myself my entire life and wasn’t ready to give up that control yet. 

If you could see my physical reaction right now, you would see me (ego) shaking my head in judgment of my “caterpillar” self. However, IMMEDIATELY after that head shake, Inner Goddess comes in to gently remind me to let it go.  

Back to the point

When I would get a new deck, I’d read the instructions regarding how to clear and use the deck. I would “glaze over” the general ending statement each deck provided before using it. When I say glaze over, I mean I would read it, take it in, but not necessarily do anything with it (at the time). However, at the end of the instructions, almost every oracle deck states something like, “it’s great to use these cards for guidance, but there is nothing like using your own Inner Goddess.” Of course, I am summarizing and paraphrasing, but you get the gist of my (ego’s) takeaway.  

It wasn’t until recently, February 18, 2021-we call this our (Inner Goddess/Ego working together) “reunion” day that I gave up control and allowed my Inner Goddess to drive. But once that happened, something else happened; clarity. Remember how I would previously glaze over a few pieces of the new and exciting guidance I was receiving? Well, all of the tools and resources we had been gathering over the years finally made sense; it was for this moment! It was to support my (ego’s) awakening, graduating from “caterpillar” to baby “butterfly” and reuniting with my Inner Goddess to fulfill our purpose! So now, when we reflect, there is a new perspective of that same information, which brings us to today. 

It is currently week 10 of quarter 1 in our Inner Peace Program.

Inner Goddess Wisdom Time-Out

Allow me to pause, reflect, and interject what my Inner Goddess is pointing out right now as we are writing this. She never ceases to amaze me.

It’s interesting how this Inner Peace Program was created due to an imbalance I allowed 2020 to cause in my life. It was created because I knew that I needed to reconnect to the SOURCE to achieve true inner peace. I also knew that if 2020 shook my world, other sisters experienced the same or worse, so it needed to be shared. Even though the guidance was to share it for the greater good, I knew it was for me. How do I know this? Because my Inner Goddess guided me to create an entire year. She showed me how to structure it and what topics to include to develop and maintain authentic inner peace.  

The first quarter is all about establishing that Divine Connection, though. She showed me exactly what was needed to establish that Divine Connection:

  • W1-Gratitude
  • W2-Mindfulness
  • W3-Meditation
  • W4-Spirituality
  • W5-Inner Goddess
  • W6-Angels
  • W7-Ancestors
  • W8-Metaphysical Energy
  • W9-Lunar Energy
  • W10-Oracle Cards/Readings
  • W11-Chakras & Reiki
  • W12-Crystals & Pendulums

Now let’s keep in mind that I had been gathering tools and resources regarding all these topics since 2017 but only allowed ego to drive. So, I knew information on all (some more than others) of these topics. Therefore it was only natural, since I had been driving by myself all my life, to try to navigate this road to inner peace as a solo journey as well. (ego shaking my head-Inner Goddess telling me to let it go).  

I had an adequate grasp on the first five topics and felt comfortable sharing, so all went smoothly. Then we came to week 5. I thought I had a decent understanding of angels’ topic until I discovered some conflicting information in my research, which confused me (ego). Then that confusion carried into the next week-Ancestors, which I only had a limited understanding of in the first place. So, by week 6, I was a mess. 

Why? Because all my life I had control. I controlled how I wanted other people to see me, even if I didn’t see myself in that way. I wanted to portray the image of a strong, confident, poised woman who had an answer for everything (even if I didn’t know what I was talking about). Listen, y’all, I have to remind you and myself that this is genuine on-the-spot insight from my Inner Goddess as I am writing. This is too important not to share. We will return to the topic after we get this out (release).  So, I was a mess because I had already shared information publically and now had to say it was a mistake. I (ego) never wanted to admit I was wrong.  

Ok, I did so in a rambling post in our sister tribe. Then something interesting happened. I was guided to create a group challenge: Listen to your Inner Goddess for 24 hours. I say it was a group challenge, but we all know by now my Inner Goddess was telling me to give up the wheel! I did, and it was amazing, so I kept “giving up the wheel” and have been doing so since.  

You (whoever you are) just shared the experience I had (in real time) when I allow my Inner Goddess to guide me 100%

Back to the Point Again

The reason I had to pause to share is that since we are in week 10 exploring more information regarding oracle guidance, and I now have a different perspective. Now that my Inner Goddess and I are reunited, there is more clarity. I understand what was meant about using your intuition instead of relying on the “rules” of the deck.

So when I approached my Inner Goddess this morning during our “reset” (meditation for direction) for the day, I told her I felt guilty because I had not been listening to her guidance 100% lately. I was afraid that I might spiral back into ego, regaining control of the wheel and driving recklessly again. She told me to stop wallowing, forgive myself, and keep it moving!

I did. It led me to pull a card from an oracle deck to post to our group as an example of how to use oracle guidance to set intentions for the day.

This was the card I pulled from Doreen Virtue’s Angel Therapy Deck:  

“Be Willing to Forgive-Ask the angels to clear your mind and body of past pain in exchange for peacefulness. 

The angels are trying to help you with the topic of your question by urging you to heal anger related to your past experiences and relationships. This old anger has become a barrier to attracting your desires, as well as a magnet that attracts similar situations to your side. This is a very important message, and your little bit of willingness to forgive is all that’s required. You don’t need to forgive the action that occurred in your past. You simply need to be willing to allow the angels to help you clear away the toxic poison of unforgiveness from your heart and mind. In this regard, you’re trading pain for peace. The benefits of forgiveness include increased peace of mind, renewed energy, and the ability to focus.” 

Remember the guidance my Inner Goddess had already given me for the day, then this

Wait, it Gets Better!

So, we were in the middle of writing this post to share for the greater good and remembered we had a Reiki healing session with a client today. So we stopped writing to prepare our energy, then begin the session. The last sentence we wrote before starting our session was, ” I understand what was meant about using your intuition instead of relying on the “rules” of the deck.”  

We felt a blockage in the client’s heart chakra during the session, so we helped clear it. At the end of the session, the client told us that there was a blockage because they knew they needed to work on forgiveness of self.

Wow! Seriously? Do you mean “Be Willing to Forgive” just like the card we pulled this morning? So I also read them the message, because guess what? While we are working on our mess, our light is increasing! When we begin to clear out that old, stale, stagnant energy, we create room for a new and beautiful life renewal. Energy that will help propel us toward fulfilling our purpose. Divine Universal power that we all have available to utilize and become better versions of ourselves every day.

When we become better, it trickles outward and provides light to the darkness. That is our purpose; to shine our light. So yes, everything that happened today was meant to happen the way it happened. While we might not understand it at the time, if we just trust the process and continue listening to our Inner Goddess, everything we do will raise the vibration of the whole for the greater good.

Final Thoughts

Now our workday is complete at 4:06 p.m. PST. Yes, this post is later than usual. But look at the revelations, look at everything that we accomplished just by being open to reset each day and follow fresh guidance.  

Yes, I (ego) woke up feeling guilty because I started to inch back over to the “reckless driver’s seat” yesterday. But Inner Goddess got me together because that’s what she does! She is the driver now. All I have to do is make it through one day at a time by trusting her power, and you can do the same! Namaste sisters!



Each week various extended activities relating to the blog topic for the week will be available to our tribe sisters to practice. Such activities could include meditations, affirmations, worksheets, journal prompts, mentorships and more. Additionally, you can tap into some amazing positive energy  for encouragement, inspiration, motivation, wisdom, love, light, positive energy, and support from other like-minded sisters working toward similar goals. So check us out sis and let’s start rising together!


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