Inner Goddess Guidance 03.04.21

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Dear Inner Goddess,

What is our focus today?


Dear One,

Didn’t it feel blissful yesterday to be able to stop, relax, and simply BE in the middle of the week? No plans, no worries, no anxiety, just be. The more you tap into that mindfulness, the stronger our connection grows. The stronger our connection grows, the more healing we experience. The more healing we experience, the better we can release anything not serving our greater good and focus on our destiny to share our light.

Our energy is now on a continuous and replenishing healing cycle, originating from within. Therefore it is now time to allow that healing energy to spread outward. Let’s begin by focusing our attention on the ones closest to us.

Today’s Focus

Spend Quality Time with Family.

All your life, your family has typically only interacted with your ego side of our union. Very rarely did your ego allow them to see this Divinely Elevated side. However, now that we have been reunited, our perspective is different. Therefore, we must teach others how to respect our union by setting healthy boundaries to protect our energy. They may not understand at first, but it is ok; this presents us with the opportunity to practice patience and compassion in working with others on a different spiritual plane. 

The more we practice creating healthy boundaries with our family members, the better we become in creating those same boundaries in all of our relationships. Remember that blissful feeling from yesterday when we took time for self-care? Well, setting healthy boundaries is the ultimate form of self-care! Boundaries are like an invisible shield that protects us from absorbing any energy from others that may lower our vibration. To maintain a bright light and high vibrations, we must learn how to gently show others what we will and will not allow in. Who better to start with than the ones who love you most? 

What is meant to be WILL be. Take time today to love on your family, be lighthearted and mindful. Express our love and gratitude by treating them well and cherishing each moment. 

Now go forth, dear one, and teach by example! 


Each week various extended activities relating to the blog topic for the week will be available to our tribe sisters to practice. Such activities could include meditations, affirmations, worksheets, journal prompts, mentorships and more. Additionally, you can tap into some amazing positive energy  for encouragement, inspiration, motivation, wisdom, love, light, positive energy, and support from other like-minded sisters working toward similar goals. So check us out sis and let’s start rising together!


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