Inner Goddess Guidance 03.01.21

Monday, March 1, 2021

Dear Inner Goddess,

What if we are judged?


Dear One,

Our reunion is still fresh; we have only been genuinely reconnected for a few days. So we have to treat this like everything else in life, an opportunity for growth and deeper understanding. We must be patient. Because while our connections are no longer in the “caterpillar stage” of our journey, it is also not in the full-grown “butterfly stage” yet. Think of it like this; our connection is like a baby butterfly learning to fly with newly developed wings. We have to understand how to use those wings first.

So, sweet child, we are always going to be judged. However, we must understand the concept of judgment to let it go. Judgment is a reflection. More times than not, when people judge others, there is an aspect of their own lives causing the judgment. They are assessing us based on their own rigid values and beliefs shaped by society and culture. So when they see us doing something that does not fit perfectly into their value system, they evaluate us as:

  • “less than,” which stems from an imbalance within the Solar Plexus Chakra. An overactive Solar Plexus Chakra can lead to misguided emotions of pride, superiority, aggressiveness, perfection, competition, and mistrust. An underactive Solar Plexus Chakra can lead to misguided feelings of low self-esteem, low confidence, victim mentality, and insecurity.
  • “more than,” which stems from an imbalance within the Heart Chakra. An overactive Heart Chakra can produce arrogant, possessive, dominating, and jealous behaviors. An underactive Heart Chakra can create responses of loneliness, unworthiness, and being overly critical.

Therefore let’s keep practicing flying with our baby butterfly wings. We must understand that it is no longer about “what if we are judged,” it becomes “what imbalance in their life has caused them TO judge?”

Time for Introspection

Let’s reflect inward and increase our awareness of the role we have played many times regarding judgment. Remember when we went to lunch with a couple of friends, including Wildflower Soul? When the server came to the table, her weight was slightly on the fluffy side, and she was wearing extremely short cut-off shorts. Recall your reaction? You turned to your friend and said, “I don’t want her to wear those shorts to work and serve me.” Then Wildflower Soul gently said, “I think it is awesome that she is comfortable enough with her body to wear those and that she has a job that allows her the freedom to express herself.”

There are SO MANY nuggets of wisdom to gain from in this scenario. Keep in mind that it was over two years ago, and we had not entirely reunited yet. Therefore, you were relying mostly on your ego (self-serving vs. serving the collective) to navigate. So in that scenario, what caused you to react in that manner? Is it because you were jealous that her self-body image was positive while you struggled with yours? Maybe it is because you resented the fact that she could wear that to work, and you had to follow your establishment’s dress code? Or perhaps you were overcritical due to your narrow mind because you were taught that is not how a “lady” dresses? 

We could go on, but there is no need to spend too much time in the past. Our reflection is only to glean awareness to incorporate that fresh understanding into our present stage. Additionally, when we reflect on our shortcomings, we must allow ourselves compassion and mercy so we can continue to let go of those lower vibrations. So that leaves us with the point: Yes, you received Wildflower Soul’s subtle healing energy that day; however, you were not ready to employ it. So continue to be patient and do the work; everything is revealed in time.

Today’s Challenge

Meet people where they are. When others judge us, use our own past experiences to understand others’ deeper underlying issues that also need healing. Our Divine purpose is to share light and educate for collective healing. Therefore, our responsibility to the collective is to remember Wild Flower Soul’s lessons and live by example. Speak truth in wisdom while removing our own judgments as a subtle approach to help heal the collective.

Now go forth in confidence, dear one!



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