Inner Goddess Guidance 02.28.21

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Dear Inner Goddess,

What is today’s focus?


Dear Ego,

Now that we are reunited and balanced within, it is time to balance outward as well. Yesterday was a beautiful release of all that old, stale energy that was holding us back. Now it is time to replace that energy with new and vibrant energy. Before we move forward, though, let’s pause for a moment. Take in some deep breaths of gratitude to help us stay connected and balanced.

Additionally, let’s be reminded that we are healing, and we let go of anything hindering our progress yesterday. It is gone. Let’s stay focused on not allowing that type of energy to disrupt our connection and balance again. Remember, I am always here as your internal GPS, and as long as we work together as a team, we WILL fulfill our destined purpose. As a matter of fact, the more we work together, the deeper our connection. The deeper our connection, the more resources we naturally attract because we are finally UNITED and working TOWARD our destiny. So let’s get to it.

Today’s Challenge

Begin the process of decluttering your physical space. We recently removed all the crystals from the bedroom because they disrupted our ability to achieve an essential rest. The crystals’ energies were vibrating high throughout the room, which in turn interacted with our body’s energetic field leading to the disturbance of our natural rejuvenation and repair process needed through sleep—so good job. 

Now let’s continue the process throughout all of our spaces. First, do some research on Feng Shui’s principles (another resource we attracted through our Divine reunion) and start applying some of those to balance our entire space’s energy.

Additionally, create a process for releasing physical items that are no longer serving us. Go through everything in our home with this structure:

  1. Has this been of practical use within the last year? If so, keep it. If not, continue to:
  2. What is the best way to remove this item from our space?
    • Does it work?
    • Can it be sold? (Income resource)
    • Can it be recycled? (Resource to be a better steward of our planet)
    • Can it be donated? (Give back resource)
    • Can it be regifted? (Sharing light resource)

See how all of this is not only raising our vibration but potentially the vibration for the COLLECTIVE. Remember how it is no longer “what is in it for me?” Now it is “how can we raise the collective vibration to bring healing to all who need it?”

Now go forth in confidence, dear one!



Each week various extended activities relating to the blog topic for the week will be available to our tribe sisters to practice. Such activities could include meditations, affirmations, worksheets, journal prompts, mentorships and more. Additionally, you can tap into some amazing positive energy  for encouragement, inspiration, motivation, wisdom, love, light, positive energy, and support from other like-minded sisters working toward similar goals. So check us out sis and let’s start rising together!


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