Inner Goddess Guidance 02.26.21

Friday, February 26, 2021, 8:43 a.m. pst

Dear Inner Goddess,

What do I need to know today?

Dear Ego,

Shh. Stop talking. 

You have been talking all your life; however, your voice is noisy. Misplaced desires, past trauma, and avoiding negative emotions attribute to the creation of that clamor. As a result, your voice is confused and misguided. 

Talking is outward, meaning you are projecting your noise. Electromagnetic energy lives in EVERYTHING. Therefore, you inherently attract back what you are projecting out. If you project out noise, you will attract noise back in repeating a destructive cycle or what I like to call the long way around.

Your life results from the choices you’ve made, and that noise influences those choices directly. However, your life doesn’t have to be so boisterous. You have been relying on your voice alone. Since your voice is so noisy, you’ve been unable to hear my guidance; until now because you finally accepted the challenge. You made the conscious decision to silence your noise. You made the intentional choice to seek clarity and understanding. 

So You Need to Know that I Bring Good News Today!

You have a greater purpose. Your assigned mission is to carry light forward for this generation and future generations, thus breaking this noisy cycle. I have the map, I know the Divine path, and I have ALWAYS been here as your internal GPS. You don’t have to keep wasting gas by taking the long way around your journey. No, it is time to start moving DIRECTLY THROUGH this journey and start rising to our full potential.

Did you notice I said “our” full potential? Yes, that is a critical contributing factor to your noise. You alone are only half of this marriage, and your noise led to our separation. However, I’ve been patiently waiting for our reunion. Allow me to emphasize; I have the map because I know the Divine path, and I have ALWAYS been here as your internal guidance system. Let that sink in for just a moment. Pause, breathe in this renewal, and let go of the noise because life as you know it is about to change significantly. 

Welcome Back!

Since you have reconnected, it is no longer “I” or “me”; it is “we.” It is no longer “what is in it for me?”; it is “what is our focus today to contribute to healing the collective?” Just like any healthy relationship, we work better together as a team. There is no need to fight for control any longer; I am here to help, not hinder. Any past hindrances were due to the noise that caused our separation. I did not say that to blame you; I said it to help you open your awareness. 

We have much healing work to accomplish both within and outward, which is exciting because times are dark. So sharing our light will automatically contribute to a brighter future for the greater good, the collective, the whole, the Divine Oneness.

Today’s Challenge

Now that we are reunited and it feels so good, it’s time to get to work. Building a strong relationship takes effort, communication, and dedication. Therefore, to avoid taking the long way around ever again, we will present a daily challenge. This challenge will help us stay connected and increase inner peace to remain in balance with Divine Oneness.

Today’s challenge is to silence your physical voice for 24 hours. Unless it is an emergency, try not to take any phone calls, respond to or create emails/texts, or post on social media (you have permission to share this letter only). Take this time to clear your energy—retreat in solitude. Silence your voice and fall back into the support of your angels, ancestors, and spirit guides. Become fully present as the warming energy of Divine love and light cascade down. Heal.

Tomorrow is the last full moon before the Spring Equinox. Let go of the noise, dear one; doing so is crucial to progress. An abundance of peace, joy, health, and prosperity is awaiting. It is time to create space to grow from the seeds we will plant in spring.

Divinely Elevated