How My Intuition Prepared Me for COVID-19 Crisis

The worldwide pandemic for the Coronavirus has caused people to panic and operate out of a place of fear. For me, I believe my intuition has been helping me prepare for the “stay-at-home” order since before the crisis began. 

During the holidays, our office closed for about two weeks. After spending almost a week visiting family, I spent the remaining time at home (this is unusual for me). In that week, my intuition led me to do some “spring” cleaning, which prompted me to make homemade cleaning supplies. Thanks to my co-worker who gave me essential oils, I was finally able to make more of the supplies. Additionally, I was tasked with purchasing ingredients that are now in demand (such as rubbing alcohol). Here’s the website I use to make my cleaning supplies. 

This activity led me to finally pursue making other homemade cleaners such as liquid soap and shampoo. Ironically, a friend sent me her homemade soap in January. Now I can make the disinfectants and other supplies that are in demand.

I also had been unknowingly (even though my intuition knew) stocking up on dried goods. I would buy something thinking I didn’t have any at home, and now I have several items in abundance. 

Most importantly, I started introducing my old passions back into my life. Last year, I took the “The Art of Direct Experience” writing class to help introduce me to writing again. The class allowed me to freely write without rules while also teaching me to be fully present in my experiences. This activity led me to buy watercolor paint and brushes, and an adult coloring book and markers. 

Honing My Intuition

I didn’t realize it then, but my intuition was in high gear preparing me for this time. I reflect back and now see the ways I’ve been fine-tuning my intuitive skills:

Weekend Meditation

I live in a downtown area near a nightclub district. Before social distancing, the music boomed anywhere from three to five nights a week from 10 p.m. until 2 a.m. each night and thus has disrupted my sleep. When I once couldn’t sleep without a television on, I learned to cherish the silence. As a result, on weekend mornings, I soaked in the peace and quiet by doing a 10-minute meditation and a half-hour of yin yoga – according to MindBodyGreen, yin yoga is “a style of yoga [that] targets the deep connective tissues of the body (vs. the superficial tissues)” – to help release tension in my muscles. Yin yoga is also meditative since poses are maintained for a couple to several minutes. Between the meditation and Yin Yoga, I learned to focus internally and tune out distractions.

Drive to Work

This newfound discovery of silence led to me turning off the radio on my drive to work. Part of that was out of annoyance of propaganda played on the radio, and the other part was to experiment with a quiet ride. I enjoyed the peace, and if I wanted to listen to something, I would listen to podcasts about love. (For those interested, the podcasts are New York Times Modern Love PodcastReal Love Real Stories Podcast, and Getting Married Multiculturally Podcast.) I arrived to work calm and focused.

Lunch Break

I made it a point to take my lunch break every day. At that time, I plugged my headphones in and listened to (John Coltrane) jazz. Meanwhile, I caught catch up on personal emails and social media and read a few pages in a book I was reading. I read a book that I borrowed from the library.


Another time I enjoy reading a book was in the bathtub. I filled the tub with hot water, Epsom salt, baking soda, and a few drops of (lavender) essential oil. I also turned on Pandora and listened to my Daley station. I came out of the tub, feeling very relaxed.


On Tuesday evenings, my apartment offered free, one-hour yoga sessions (now online). I dashed home just in time to join the other regulars for the 5:30 p.m. class. This helped quiet my mind and body from the stress of the workday; it was also a great after-work activity and. I rarely missed a class. 

Friday Night Jazz Session

On Friday nights, my partner and I blast music on our streaming device and listen to jazz while engaging in conversation or getting lost in our own activities. We listened to artists such as Eric Darius, Paul Taylor, and Miles Davis. We also attended jazz concerts. We found jazz music and the vibe at jazz concerts to be calming energy. 

Recorded Television

Having a streaming device helped me refrain from watching live television to avoid the news, which I always found depressing. I definitely enjoyed watching trash shows, but I mostly nourished my mind by watching informative documentaries. 


I mainly ate fresh fruits and vegetables and recently started reducing my intake of packaged foods. For Lent this year, I eliminated carbohydrates. Furthermore, I was making more food from scratch. Overall I noticed how good I felt and how much more mental clarity I began to have.

Final Thoughts

I still practice many of these routines during these days of self-isolation. Instead of buying into the paranoia, I am focusing on what I can control and looking at the positive. As someone who has been increasingly raising my frequency, I am happy about the opportunity that we’re given to really focus on our authentic selves, which is where our intuition lives. I’m also eager to see what good social changes will come out of this.

Everything happens for a reason. Live it. Love it. Learn from it.


Keep In Touch

This was my last post for Divinely Elevated. So, I want to thank you for joining me on my journey to seek a more authentic life for myself. This blog experience was new for me but I am grateful to have had this opportunity because it allowed me to rediscover my writing passion while sharing my journey with others. My hope was that my articles would provide perspectives and tips that were useful and offer a way to connect Divinely Elevated readers with my experience.  I hope you enjoyed reading my pieces and wish you the best on your journey to seek your authentic life.

Did you find this blog post helpful? If so, share it with a friend! Also, if you are interested in interacting with me and my journey, follow me on Instagram @aquarian_busy_b.

~ Aquarian

Prescott, AZ

Special Message from the Founder of Divinely Elevated

Start Rising!

My frequency is shifting, which has awakened my inner goddess.  Divine guidance is now leading my journey.  Therefore, I am sharing my knowledge and life experiences.

I hope you find the information I provide on this site useful and inspiring.  I also hope you will be able to discover your bliss.  

Following your dreams is a huge part of elevating your joy.  Each day you live in that elevation, brings you closer to a living a divinely elevated life of happiness.

If you would like to rise with me and other sisters, I invite you to schedule your FREE Discovery Call today and join our Facebook Group!

Additionally, if you would like to receive updates when I post, feel free to subscribe below.

Let’s encourage each other and choose to live our best lives in light, love, and happiness!

Global Angel Wing Project at OUE Skyspace in Los Angeles, CA


***No information provided on this site is intended to serve as professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment***
