7 Easy Tricks to Calm Your Mind Without Meditation

With the increased fear and uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, calming the mind is the best way to fight anxiety. Of course, meditation is a powerful tool, but it’s it takes practice. Meditation is also not the only way to calm your mind. Consider these tricks to find peace and inner calmness amidst all this chaos! 

Try these ideas the next time you want to calm your mind and feel better:

1. Breathe

The simple act of breathing can help you calm down quickly and reduce anxiety. Breathing can help you focus on the moment and forget your worries. A few deep breaths help relax your muscles as your cells receive the extra oxygen.

Learn simple breathing exercises or just breathe deeply. 

I start my workshops and sessions with three deep breaths. No matter what or how I feel before, once I just breathe, I instantaneously feel better!

2. Express Gratitude

By showing appreciation, you can change your focus and find peace. Being thankful and saying it can help you see the positive things that are around you.

Send an email, talk on the phone, or write a note to someone that you would like to thank.

When stopping and giving thanks, you’re also living in the present moment. Think about what happens when your mind is in the present moment. There’s no room for worrying about the future or regretting your past.

3. Smile

How often do you smile during the day? Do you smile at strangers as well as friends?

Smiling can instantly boost your mood. It can help relax the body and mind, improve the immune system, and reduce stress.

Research published in the journal Psychological Science shows that even a fake smile can have a positive effect on the body. The act of smiling affects the brain positively. 

If you currently wear a face mask for protection if you have to go out, then practice smizing!


4. Go for a Hike or Enjoy Nature

If meditation doesn’t appeal to you because it involves sitting, then go for a hike or find another way to enjoy nature. Explore a park, trail, or other natural areas near you. 

Notice the sounds, smells, and visuals in front of you as you walk. 

Nature can have a soothing impact on the brain and body. 

5. Turn Off Your Phone and Other Devices

Constant communication and connection can make it hard to have a calm mind. Turn off your phones, tablets, computers, and other devices to find peace. 

By disconnecting from technology for brief periods, you’ll be able to relax.

6. Play With Your Pet

My 11-year old Maltese and ruler of our house, Eli.

If you’re lucky to have a dog, cat, or other animals, play with them to find calmness. Research shows that pets can help people stay calm and relax. 

Try petting your dog or cat for an extended period. Only focus on them and don’t think about other issues. 

Consider taking your pet for a walk and getting exercise at the same time. 

7. Do Some Type of Manual Labor

Sometimes, manual labor such as cleaning the house or mowing the lawn can help calm the mind. Exercise can boost brain chemicals that make you happy.

 Manual labor can help you forget issues by forcing you to focus on completing the tasks. 

Look for activities that need to be done at home or work. Do the dishes, vacuum, clean out closets, or organize cabinets. Sort the garage or attic, try gardening, or pull weeds. If you’re finished with tasks at home, reach out to friends and neighbors to help them. 

Although meditation can be beneficial, it’s not the only way to stay calm. Consider trying other methods and experimenting until you find the ones that work best for you.


Have you ever heard the saying, “Your vibe attracts your tribe”? In everything you do, it is essential to have a group of like-minded individuals for support. So if you are trying to maintain a calm mind, why not look for groups and events to benefit that vibe? See below how to join our Facebook group of “soul sisters” and hang out with us at any of our upcoming events!

Looking for a fun way to creatively make new connections while maintaining social distancing rules? Come join us for our monthly Sister Share Sunday Virtual Tea! Check the upcoming events for the next date.

Start Rising!

My frequency is shifting, which has awakened my inner goddess.  Divine guidance is now leading my journey.  Therefore, I am sharing my knowledge and life experiences.

I hope you find the information I provide on this site useful and inspiring.  I also hope you will be able to discover your bliss.  

Following your dreams is a huge part of elevating your joy.  Each day you live in that elevation, brings you closer to a living a divinely elevated life of happiness.

If you would like to rise with me and other sisters, I invite you to schedule your FREE Discovery Call today and join our Facebook Group!

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Let’s encourage each other and choose to live our best lives in light, love, and happiness!

Global Angel Wing Project at OUE Skyspace in Los Angeles, CA

***No information provided on this site is intended to serve as professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment***

Divinely Elevated