Protecting Your Joy During the Holidays

An Empath’s Holiday Survival Guide

The holiday season can be a magical time! Allowing your senses to take in the sights, smells, and sounds of the season can easily ignite your inner child.

However, hiding behind the twinkle of lights and the sweet taste of holiday favorites is an enemy to our body. You guessed it, STRESS! As an Empath, it is easy for me to fall into a place of overload. A place that strips away all the magic of the season. For most people, the holidays present a time management challenge. Juggling parties, shopping, extra expenses, and decorating will bring about stress to anyone with a pulse. For an Empath, not only do you experience your stress but also the tension from everyone around you as well.

A game plan which includes time for self-care is crucial for an Empath during the holiday season. Without it, you may become victim to fatigue and even illness.


You absolutely must think of yourself first if you want to survive the holidays! Christmas is the one time a year that brings about a deeper level of kindness in most everyone. MOST being the keyword here. A time when serving others is at the forefront of the mind. STOP right here and focus on what I am about to say! Empaths, your life is one lived ALWAYS putting others first and serving. One season does not isolate your giving spirit. 

Schedule a time EVERY DAY for you! Create a sanctuary with soft Christmas lights and calming smells that entice your nervous system to just let go. I enjoy waking up extra early each day to sit quietly in prayer and meditation. It is during this time, I pray for others, give gratitude for all things, and ground myself for the day. For suggested guided meditations and calming aromatherapies, check out these articles below:

My morning sanctuary during the holidays.

Bath Time

Everyone has to bathe, right? Now that I say that out loud, perhaps not bathing would cut down on the party invitations. Thus, eliminating one source of major stress felt by others.  

Of course, I’m joking. Take a bath for goodness sakes! Literally, take a bath. Showers are great but often hurried. They also ONLY serve the purpose of getting clean. Take time to soak in a bathtub with your favorite salts. Mine happens to be the lavender Epsom salt. Salt is healing, and lavender is calming. Does it get any better? Submerging your entire body in water is exceptionally grounding and cleansing for your spirit. It also allows you the time to slow down and exhale.


As I mentioned earlier, grounding is especially important to an Empath. It is usually part of my morning self-care routine. If you would like to try grounding yourself, sit in a comfortable position. Take a few slow deep breaths to relax yourself. As thoughts enter your mind, let them float away like a cloud. Do not attach to any thought; focus on your breath as you feel the stress leave your body. 

While in your relaxed state, visualize a large tree that extends down the entire length of your body. The roots of the tree extend out of your feet and deep into the ground. Feel the strength and gravity in your body, and KNOW that you are safe. Adding this visualization helps to keep me rooted when feeling overwhelmed. 

I have linked the following youtube video for a unique “shielding visualization” that helps protect against the absorption of other’s energy. It is particularly useful before going into a crowd.

Surviving the Crowds

Now that you have grounded yourself each morning, you are ready for the day. My first and most important tip for surviving the crowds is to shop online as much as possible. It has been my experience that the stress levels felt the most from others has been in department stores and grocery stores. Again, you have your stress of the season, but you are also absorbing the same stress that others are projecting as well.  

Online shopping has been a game-changer in my life and brought back the joy of shopping for others. I would suggest joining the email list of your favorite stores. You are familiar with the quality of the products the store carries, so there will be no disappointment when it arrives. By joining their email list, you will also stay informed of special online promotions and free shipping offers. When online shopping is not an option, I choose local boutiques and go early in the morning when they first open. 

The Prickly Pear Boutique in Middletown, KY

My last tip on eliminating the stress of crowds while shopping for gifts is to make them yourself. Yes, I’m going to go ‘Old School’ on you. Handmade gifts serve multiple purposes:

  1. They are personal and mean more than something you can buy in a store.
  2. They serve as therapy for you during the holidays. It is so easy to find your flow, completely losing yourself in a project.
  3. You avoid crowds and often save money.

Sometimes I struggle with creativity. If you are like me, here’s a little secret; I copy others. There is a multitude of YouTube videos that are cute, easy, and fun DIY projects. My two favorite places to gather ideas and tutorials are and Don’t overthink it. Let your loving spirit shine through a personalized handmade gift and have fun! I enjoy a lovely glass of wine and a great playlist while finding my flow in a project! 

Surviving Social Engagements

Again, time management and self-care are crucial. I permit you to say, “No” gracefully. You do not have to accept every request you receive throughout the holidays. If you are a “Yes” person to everyone and everything out of concern for hurting someone’s feelings, STOP IT! If someone does not understand your decline, then they are not in the front row of your life. The people that love and care for you will ALWAYS love and care for you. Side note my friends, you should only be accepting invitations from front row people anyways! 

While at a social engagement, it may be necessary to sneak off by yourself and breath. Step outside and breathe in the fresh air, say a little prayer, soak up the quietness. It might also be a good time to do your visualization again, drawing a bubble around yourself for protection against negative energy. Perhaps you can pack a small container of lavender or rose oils and breath it in. I often accessorize with a beautiful scarf drenched in lavender oil for a calming effect with each breath.  

Another technique that is simple and small, but not to be overlooked is the power of black tourmaline. It is a tiny stone directly from the earth that has an amazing protective feature. This little beauty can easily keep in your pocket at all times. However, for my females, I would suggest tucking it right inside your bra close to your heart! And for my free spirit, non-bra wearing, wild women sisterhood, GOOD FOR YOU! Perhaps consider bra tape to secure the tourmaline close to your heart. To learn more about the benefits and properties of black tourmaline, check out this article:

Also worth mentioning is diet. Sugary foods and drinks usually jam-pack the food table at social engagements. Sugar is the devil and reaps havoc our bodies, both physically and emotionally! It is imperative that we closely monitor our intake during the holidays keeping a healthy blood sugar level. However, if you can work in some movement (yes exercise), it helps tremendously to keep blood sugar levels and emotions in check. 

Keep It in Perspective

The boss of the household, Jax, curled up for his long winter’s nap under the tree.

To conclude your survival guide, Just Breathe! Slow deep breaths during a time of anxiety and overwhelming conditions affect calming the mind and body. Go to a place in your mind of gratitude and meditate on the big picture. In case you need a reminder, the big picture is LOVE. Love is the reason we celebrate. It is simple and pure. It is patient and kind. Don’t lose sight of it!

More to Come

Thank you for taking the time to share in my personal experience as an Empath and for joining me on this journey to discovery. Please come back again next month when I share tips for setting your goals in 2020.  

Before leaving, I want you to ask yourself a few questions. Do I struggle with confidence? Do I let fear hold me back from accomplishing my dreams? Finally, does my self-worth frequently get in the way of living my best life? Is there any area of your life where you lack joy and abundance? 

If you answered” Yes” to any of these questions, then welcome to my world, my friend! Won’t you please join my beautiful field of Wildflowers where we can grow together! Send me a message at so that you can be the first to know when I launch my “Wildflower Soul” website!

Additionally, check out my Facebook Page. I look forward to growing with you! Read more about Wildflower Soul here.

Special Message from the Founder of Divinely Elevated

Start Rising!

My frequency is shifting, which has awakened my inner goddess.  Divine guidance is now leading my journey.  Therefore, I am sharing my knowledge and life experiences.

I hope you find the information I provide on this site useful and inspiring.  I also hope you will be able to discover your bliss.  

Following your dreams is a huge part of elevating your joy.  Each day you live in that elevation, brings you closer to a living a divinely elevated life of happiness.

If you would like to rise with me, by being an active participant, I invite you to contact me via social media or email.  Additionally, if you would like to receive updates when I post, feel free to subscribe below.

Let’s encourage each other and choose to live our best lives in light, love, and happiness!

Global Angel Wing Project at OUE Skyspace in Los Angeles, CA


***No information provided on this site is intended to serve as professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment***

Wildflower Soul