5 Tips to Maintain Authenticity & Reduce Holiday Stress

Holiday Stress

The holidays can be an extraordinary time, but it can also be very stressful. The pressures of gift buying (and exchanges), holiday meal prep, decorating, and family gatherings seem to be stress-inducing. Combined with end-of-year deadlines or goals, and the increased holiday business at work only adds to the pressures. All of this can quickly derail a person from exhibiting their authentic self during the holidays.

Union Square in San Francisco, CA

Living some 2,000 miles from my family as a child, I did not experience the effects of holiday stress. I felt I was missing out on an experience that my classmates and neighbors shared. I eventually made up for that time once we moved (back) to the Midwest, but I lost a part of my true authentic self during these holiday gatherings.

My Holiday Transformation Journey

At some point on the journey to seek my authentic self, I started questioning why I was participating in the holiday activities. In my early twenties, I was financing my college tuition with two part-time jobs and maintaining household expenses. Meanwhile, my family, who consisted mostly of adults, had full-time careers. I realized after being in more debt once the holidays were over, I no longer found value in gift exchanges. It was then that I began questioning the intention of participating in the gift exchanges.

Calaveras Big Trees Park in California

Furthermore, as my family started leading their own lives, our holiday gatherings became inconsistent. I eventually found myself pathetically seeking a consistent tradition to celebrate each year. I then began to question what I genuinely desired from holiday gatherings considering I visited family throughout the year. I eventually saw the holidays as an excuse to visit family, and I did not want it to dictate when I should spend time with them. 

5 Tips to Maintain Authenticity and Reduce Holiday Stress

These decisions eventually resulted in me skipping the gift exchanges and using the holidays as a time for me.

The Apache Trail in Arizona

Here are five tips that helped me tune into myself and reduce unnecessary holiday stress.

1. Reduce the Holiday Gift List

If you value giving gifts, consider the people you value the most – perhaps your top five – and think of gifts that speak to them. Set a budget per person. If you find that you have to get gifts for more people, perhaps consider giving them something you made through an activity you enjoy such as baking, painting or writing. (You can also reverse this and create gifts for the top five and buy small gifts for the others).

2. Skip Thanksgiving and Host Friendsgiving Instead

Most people find the pressure of visiting with family to be stressful and have started scheduling time for friends through a tradition called Friendsgiving. Host your friends and have everyone bring a dish. Or convince a friend to host.

3. Spend Time with the Most Valued People

Reserve the holiday time for the people who matter the most to you and make it a point to visit other family members another time in the year.

4. Take a Road Trip

If you have the extra time (and money), avoid the holiday stress and go on a short road trip alone or with your immediate family. Plan well in advance, so you’re not stressed out with planning the trip. Also, consider visiting your favorite city or town that brings you the most joy.

5. Treat Yourself

Treat yourself with a special gift or reserve the holiday time for some much- needed rest and relaxation to start the new year recharged.  

The Sea Ranch, CA. The perfect place to retreat.

Final Thoughts

Quality time is my highest valued love language. I realized the gift I prefer to receive are the memories I create with those I cherish, including myself. I encourage you to start seeking authenticity this holiday season by thinking about what you value and what brings you joy. Being around the people you value and doing things that bring you joy allow you to exhibit your authentic self.

“Eliminate who you are not first and you’re gonna find yourself where you need to be.”

Matthew McConaughey

Did you find this blog post helpful? If so, share it with a friend! Also, I welcome you back to continue this 3 part series on my journey to my authentic self. If you too are trying to reconnect with your authentic self, come back next month for my final article regarding authenticity. I discuss maintaining authenticity at work. Additionally, check out a unique way of (re)connecting with your authentic self here. Furthermore, if you are interested in interacting with me and my journey, follow me on Instagram @aquarian_busy_b.

~ Aquarian

Prescott, AZ

Special Message from the Founder of Divinely Elevated

Start Rising!

My frequency is shifting, which has awakened my inner goddess.  Divine guidance is now leading my journey.  Therefore, I am sharing my knowledge and life experiences.

I hope you find the information I provide on this site useful and inspiring.  I also hope you will be able to discover your bliss.  Following your dreams is a huge part of elevating your joy.  Each day you live in that elevation, brings you closer to a living a divinely elevated life of happiness.

If you would like to rise with me, by being an active participant, I invite you to contact me via social media or email.  Additionally, if you would like to receive updates when I post, feel free to subscribe below.

Let’s encourage each other and choose to live our best lives in light, love, and happiness!

Global Angel Wing Project at OUE Skyspace in Los Angeles, CA


***No information provided on this site is intended to serve as professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment***
