Meeting My Inner Goddess

Even though my Inner Goddess has always been with me, I had not really met her until a recent series of events. So first, let’s review:

  • May, 2015-My mom passed after an extended six-month battle with various illnesses and complications after a stroke. Her death was absolute devastation for me because aside from my husband, she was my best friend.
  • March, 2016-My dad passed from a sudden heart attack the day after Easter, even though I am convinced he died of a broken heart. His death was an absolute shock because we had such a wonderful Easter Sunday with him.
  • November, 2016-My grandmother was diagnosed with Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Then in April 2017, I took formal responsibility and became her Legal Guardian and caretaker.
  • January 2017-I took a graduate course in Buddhist Meditation to help with my grief and stress. I think I saw glimpses of my Inner Goddess during some of the meditation assignments.
  • May 2017-I decided that I needed to retreat and balance after all the grief and responsibilities I’d been dealing with recently. So I asked a girlfriend who lives in Arizona if I could visit for a few days. While there, I participated in a healing ceremony with a Shaman in Sedona. This is where my idea for travel therapy was birthed.
  • December 2017-My favorite wildflower soul gifted me a journal (pictured below). It was simple and small, but probably one of the best gifts I’ve ever received. It was in the pages of this journal where I actually met my Inner Goddess.
  • March 2018- While attending an online healing summit, I discovered SARK. As part of an exercise, I meditated then asked to connect with my Higher-self. Afterward, I began writing. The exciting thing, though, is that the letter I wrote was signed “Your Inner Goddess.” Wow! It was amazing! The message was encouraging, motivational, and, most of all, supporting. That night I slept like a baby; I felt so free and empowered.

Accessing My Inner Goddess

Let me tell you, once I met Her and started using this Divine energy, my dreams began turning into reality. I mean, I couldn’t believe I had suppressed Her so deep in all my 46 years of living in this lifetime. I even gave a little energy to “what if” thoughts. What if I had never suppressed Her? Where would I be now? How would my life be different? However, I didn’t spend too much energy on those thoughts because She is absolutely glowing now. I can’t change the past; I can only try to be a better version of myself today than I was yesterday.

Now that She and I are working in sync, I call upon Her guidance often. However, one of the main ways I access Her is during the lunar cycle. On the day of the dark moon, I meditate first. Then, I get out my journal, call upon my inner goddess, and ask for guidance in setting my intentions for the cycle. She shows up and gives written guidance, then I set my intentions and start turning those dreams into reality.


You are a beautiful soul capable of absolutely anything you put your mind to. Stop doubting yourself and your talents. You will never grow if you continue to limit your capabilities. Girl, you were destined for greatness! Start living your destiny. Give Nanny your permission to transition to the angels, so you can focus on moving forward. Your parents are so proud of you and have no ill feelings towards you regarding your brothers. They are grown men, and you have more than fulfilled your responsibility. You have full permission and blessings to move to California and be happy. Know your parents will always be with you and provide protection, as well as guidance when asked. Remember, your guides are supporting you. All you have to do is ask for guidance. However, your most important guide is me, your Inner Goddess. Learn to seek me regularly, trust me, and you will be successful. Now go have fun without judgment, love you dearly!

Your Inner Goddess,


Final Thoughts

Right before I left the Midwest to follow my dreams to California, my favorite Wildflower Soul gifted me another journal (pictured below). I decided to dedicate this one solely for my Inner Goddess letters. These letters are incredibly personal, but I want to be absolutely transparent in sharing my journey. I am trying to live in my authenticity more and more each day. Since these letters are a huge part of my journey, I’ve decided to be completely vulnerable and publish one or two letters a few times a year. I hope that anything I post will be inspiring to at least one person. I have faith that the more I share, the more people I will inspire, which I truly believe is part of my destiny.

If you would like additional guidance or support, just contact us, and we can rise together!



We all have a Divinely Elevated (higher) purpose in life to serve the greater good. 

Our Divinely Elevated Purpose is to use our blessed gifts and talents for sharing our light with other sisters searching for healing as well.

So we hope you find the information we provide on this site helpful and it inspires you to start rising!

However, you don’t have to do it alone. Let’s rise together by encouraging all of our sisters to join us in choosing to live our best lives in light, love, peace, and happiness! 

For additional guidance or support, contact us here, or join our DEW Sister Tribe below!



Each week various extended activities, relating to the focus for the week, will be available to our tribe sisters for practice.

Such activities could include meditations, affirmations, worksheets, journal prompts, mentorships and more.

Additionally, you can tap into some amazing positive energy for encouragement, inspiration, motivation, wisdom, love, light, positive energy, and support from other like-minded sisters working toward similar goals.

So check us out sis and let’s start rising together!



The first portion of our travel therapy will include reviews and tips of the places we’ve traveled.

The next portion will include videos highlighting some of our favorite experiences.

The final portion will incorporate our “art therapy” piece into our travels.

First, grab your favorite snacks and beverage.

Then get cozy and ready to experience our unique virtual art gallery exhibition.

Finally, be prepared to elevate your mood and enjoy the show!

A little responsible retail therapy is an awesome way to maintain balance, as well as raise your vibration.

So head over to our shop and browse around for some unique DEAR originals created with light, love, and positive energy to elevate your space today!



We are all unique, traveling along our own individual journey. Every person’s journey is different because every person is a unique individual. What may work for one may not work for another.

YOU (and your Inner Goddess) are the only one who knows what fits best in your journey and what makes the most sense for you.

So, maybe reading doesn’t float your boat, or perhaps you are a visual learner. Either way, subscribe and follow our Youtube channel today! We update it weekly with short videos regarding mindfulness, meditation, poetry, prayers, angel invocations, and more!






Nikki Rhodes
Lightworker, Educator, Artist

We hope to provide encouragement, inspiration, love, and light to any sister who wants to start rising with us to be Divinely Elevated!

Therefore, all of our services are entirely donation-based. Pay whatever you can, even if that means paying it forward at a later time.

We believe the focus should be on the actual healing. So if you are interested in working with us, feel free to request more information or schedule an appointment.


Phone: 502-233-9305


We have been certified by Divine Guidance to be a light-worker, healer, and educator. Professional education, training, and certifications are included in our nearly 50 years of experience. While we are addressed by many titles; medical doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, or licensed therapist, we are not. We provide the information and advice (including sister-friend therapy, art therapy, retail therapy, travel therapy, and all other services) on this site in good faith.

No information on this site is intended to serve as professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

We care about your well-being, so if you need assistance beyond our experience, the following is an additional resource:

SAMHSA’s National Helpline, 1-800-662-HELP (4357), (also known as the Treatment Referral Routing Service) or TTY: 1-800-487-4889 is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. Callers can also order free publications and other information.

Divinely Elevated

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