Celebrate and Let Go with Full Moon Energy

Using Lunar Energy

Lunar energy is a powerful tool you can use in your holistic lifestyle approach. The moon teaches us that it is OK to go through phases. However, before getting into the full moon phase of the cycle, let’s review:

🌑 We sought guidance during the dark moon.

🌙 We set intentions and created our action plan during the new moon.

🌒 We implemented initial action steps towards our action plan during the waxing crescent moon.

🌓 We reviewed and refined our action plan if needed during the first quarter moon.⠀

🌔 We implemented any amended action steps towards our action plan during the waxing gibbous moon.

🌕 Now during this full moon, it is time to celebrate the power of lunar energy charging our ability to manifest the life of our dreams. We must also decide to let go of anything that isn’t serving our higher purpose.

Celebrate with the Full Moon!

The full moon signifies the halfway point of the cycle, so celebrate!

After my mom passed in 2015 and dad in 2016, I began a holistic health journey, which led me to Kanti Wellness Center. I met the owner Ivonne at her grand opening. She became my holistic wellness coach and good friend that same day.

After just a couple of visits, she felt comfortable enough to share information about a full moon drumming circle. Ivonne attended the drumming circle consistently. She told me not to worry about appearances because I would be amongst friends. Since I trusted her, I also trusted this new experience and lowered my inhibitions.

I am so thankful for Ivonne; she was right! As soon as I arrived, such warm energy greeted me. I truly felt I was amongst friends that I didn’t even know! The smoke of sage covered me from head to toe upon entering the circle; then, I was introduced to the gracious hosts, Walter “Eagle” and Vivian.

After mingling and snacking on shared food, it was time to begin the ceremony. Eagle explained the details involved in the drumming circle. This particular circle was a celebratory ceremony based on the Medicine Wheel in American Indian culture. He explained that during the full moon phase, we should celebrate. We should be thankful for lunar energy and the guidance of our Inner Goddess, spirit guides, and ancestors. We rejoice that we have access to unlimited Divine power and lunar energy to manifest our dreams. 

Attending a drumming circle is just one way to celebrate and honor the full moon’s energy. The full moon phase is a time to intentionally and ceremoniously count our blessings. It is a time to express gratitude for everything we have in our lives. So maybe you attend a Kundalini yoga class or spend time alone reciting gratitude mantras and prayers. Whatever you choose to do, remember that the full moon phase is all about celebration and letting go.

Let Go With the Full Moon!

At some point in your full moon celebration, make sure to create a list of everything in your life you want to release. Maybe you have some negative energy lingering and clouding your judgment; release it! There may even be people or family stifling your growth; decide to let them go! You may be overeating, drinking too much alcohol, or taking drugs to deal with pain, anxiety, or depression. Use the energy of the full moon and the guidance of your Inner Goddess to discover the root. Once you determine the source of the issue, write it down and begin the liberation process!

Once you let go of any lower vibrations, you create space for the abundance attached to the intentions you’ve been manifesting. You can complete every step in this lunar process, but if you do not let go of what keeps you from moving forward, you will become stagnant. You will continue to do the same thing over and over again but not get anywhere. Why? Because the space needed to manifest positive energy and intentions is being occupied by holding onto old habits and beliefs.

You must change your perspective to move forward. You must let go. 

Letting go of everything you’ve ever known will not be easy! As a matter of fact, unlearning is the hardest part of this journey I’ve experienced thus far. However, there is good news! The next part of the cycle, the Waning Gibbous Moon (see in the related articles section below), has the energy you can utilize to help with that release.

Final Thoughts

There are only two objectives during the full moon phase: celebrate your blessings and make the decision to release anything or anyone preventing you from reaching your highest potential. Happy manifesting!

If you would like additional guidance or support, just contact us, and we can rise together!



We all have a Divinely Elevated (higher) purpose in life to serve the greater good. 

Our Divinely Elevated Purpose is to use our blessed gifts and talents for sharing our light with other sisters searching for healing as well.

So we hope you find the information we provide on this site helpful and it inspires you to start rising!

However, you don’t have to do it alone. Let’s rise together by encouraging all of our sisters to join us in choosing to live our best lives in light, love, peace, and happiness! 

For additional guidance or support, contact us here, or join our DEW Sister Tribe below!



Each week various extended activities, relating to the focus for the week, will be available to our tribe sisters for practice.

Such activities could include meditations, affirmations, worksheets, journal prompts, mentorships and more.

Additionally, you can tap into some amazing positive energy for encouragement, inspiration, motivation, wisdom, love, light, positive energy, and support from other like-minded sisters working toward similar goals.

So check us out sis and let’s start rising together!



The first portion of our travel therapy will include reviews and tips of the places we’ve traveled.

The next portion will include videos highlighting some of our favorite experiences.

The final portion will incorporate our “art therapy” piece into our travels.

First, grab your favorite snacks and beverage.

Then get cozy and ready to experience our unique virtual art gallery exhibition.

Finally, be prepared to elevate your mood and enjoy the show!

A little responsible retail therapy is an awesome way to maintain balance, as well as raise your vibration.

So head over to our shop and browse around for some unique DEAR originals created with light, love, and positive energy to elevate your space today!


We are all unique, traveling along our own individual journey. Every person’s journey is different because every person is a unique individual. What may work for one may not work for another.

YOU (and your Inner Goddess) are the only one who knows what fits best in your journey and what makes the most sense for you.

So, maybe reading doesn’t float your boat, or perhaps you are a visual learner. Either way, subscribe and follow our Youtube channel today! We update it weekly with short videos regarding mindfulness, meditation, poetry, prayers, angel invocations, and more!





Nikki Rhodes
Lightworker, Educator, Artist

We hope to provide encouragement, inspiration, love, and light to any sister who wants to start rising with us to be Divinely Elevated!

Therefore, all of our services are entirely donation-based. Pay whatever you can, even if that means paying it forward at a later time.

We believe the focus should be on the actual healing. So if you are interested in working with us, feel free to request more information or schedule an appointment.


Phone: 502-233-9305

Email: startrising@divinelyelevated.com

We have been certified by Divine Guidance to be a light-worker, healer, and educator. Professional education, training, and certifications are included in our nearly 50 years of experience. While we are addressed by many titles; medical doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, or licensed therapist, we are not. We provide the information and advice (including sister-friend therapy, art therapy, retail therapy, travel therapy, and all other services) on this site in good faith.

No information on this site is intended to serve as professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

We care about your well-being, so if you need assistance beyond our experience, the following is an additional resource:

SAMHSA’s National Helpline, 1-800-662-HELP (4357), (also known as the Treatment Referral Routing Service) or TTY: 1-800-487-4889 is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. Callers can also order free publications and other information.

Divinely Elevated

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