Discover a Unique Way to Live in Your Authenticity

Authenticity Buzz Words

Unique, authentic, higher, genuine, real, and so on, I know you’ve heard some of these buzz words for self-identification. These are all phrases for a hot topic in psychology and Eastern Medicine today. The idea of (re)connecting with the best version of yourself is becoming a widespread view in holistic wellness. I’m on this journey to live my best holistically happy life, and so far, it has been a mind-blowing success. So, of course, your girl had to investigate this “authentic/higher self” idea further. I mean, who doesn’t want to live in their authenticity, right?

Abstract art by Nikki Rhodes

Removing the Veil

Andrea Mathews wrote a great article in Psychology Today regarding the topic. My takeaway is that our lives are destined. Upon creation, we all received original thoughts and feelings. However, as we begin to live in society, our original thoughts and feelings become veiled. They are often replaced with what others need or want us to be. Therefore over time, we lose connection with our true authentic self. So how do we reconnect to our authenticity?

Meeting My Inner Goddess

Fort Funston Beach in San Francisco, CA

Mathews suggests writing letters to and from your authentic self to reconnect. This instance isn’t the first time I’ve heard of this either. While attending an online healing summit, I discovered SARK. As part of an exercise, I meditated then asked to connect with my higher self. Afterward, I began writing. The impressive thing, though, is that the letter I wrote was addressed to me, signed “your inner goddess.” Wow! It was amazing! The message was encouraging, motivational, and, most of all, supportive. My inner goddess revealed deeply hidden things in that letter to me. That night I slept like a baby; I felt so free and empowered.

Inner Goddess Letters

Andrea Mathews wrote a great article in Psychology Today regarding the topic. My takeaway is that our lives are destined. Upon creation, we all received original thoughts and feelings. However, as we begin to live in society, our original thoughts and feelings become veiled. They are often replaced with what others need or want us to be. Therefore over time, we lose connection with our true authentic self. So how do we reconnect to our authenticity?

Access to Healing Tools

Listen y’all; my inner goddess is one unique badass chick! She reveals opportunities to me that my “veiled” self would have never considered. One of the many benefits of reconnecting with my inner goddess is the access I have to holistic healing tools.

Along the Pacific Coast near Big Sur, CA

My mom passed in 2015, and my dad followed right behind in 2016. Mom and dad mean the world to me, so it was no surprise I went through a major depression. My happy, social, extrovert self went extremely dark. Some days may have turned into weeks, where I didn’t leave the house. It was rough, y’all. However, the light of my inner goddess forced through the darkness to reconnect with me. She wasn’t going to let me sabotage my destined life any further! She provides me with unique ways to awaken emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically so I can begin to heal. I have been on this healing journey since.

Utilizing My Inner Goddess

As previously mentioned, my inner goddess gives me access to unique healing tools. I will discuss the specific variety in future posts. However, the one I have utilized most to heal and stay connected to my authenticity is lunar energy. I use lunar energy every month to manifest my happiness. If you are interested in how it works, then make sure to come back each week in October 2019. Many of my posts will focus on understanding each phase of the lunar cycle. Additionally, I will discuss how I use it monthly to live in my authenticity. It may even inspire you to (re)connect with your authentic self also!

Abstract art by Nikki Rhodes

Start Rising!

My frequency is shifting, which has awakened my inner goddess.  Divine guidance is now leading my journey.  Therefore, I am sharing my knowledge and life experiences.

I hope you find the information I provide on this site useful and inspiring.  I also hope you will be able to discover your bliss.  Following your dreams is a huge part of elevating your joy.  Each day you live in that elevation, brings you closer to a living a divinely elevated life of happiness.

If you would like to rise with me, by being an active participant, I invite you to contact me via social media or email.  Additionally, if you would like to receive updates when I post, feel free to subscribe below.

Let’s encourage each other and choose to live our best lives in light, love, and happiness!

Global Angel Wing Project at OUE Skyspace in Los Angeles, CA


***No information provided on this site is intended to serve as professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment***

Divinely Elevated

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