Do You Want an Easy Way to Improve Your Focus?

Do you want an easy way to improve your focus? Then, have you considered practicing mindfulness? In my experience, mindfulness is the best natural way to improve your overall concentration and clarity. Additionally, it helps with increasing your patience.

Cognitive Trends Over the Past 40 Years

We live in such an “instant gratification” world today with the increase of technological advances. I feel like my patience decreases with each passing year. Along with my patience, I also feel like I am losing my ability to focus mentally. In my opinion, technology plays a massive role in this decline in my patience and mental focus.

When I was younger, my social engagement and overall entertainment included physical contact with friends. Text messages, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and other social media channels did not exist during that time. So if I wanted to talk to a friend, I called them and had a phone conversation or visited them. Oh, and handwritten letters or notes were also a standard mode of communication for me. Additionally, I had to either write down their phone numbers or memorize it. If I had to complete research for a school assignment, I had to go to the library physically. There was no Google or Siri, so I did not have instant access to all the information ever with just a click on a computer keyboard. My point is, back then, we had no choice but to focus and maintain our memory to function. Back then, our mind was the computer.

What Changed?

Today, I have all of these technological resources at my fingertips. I do not have to remember passwords because I have an app for that. There is no need for face to face conversation because I have text messages or messenger. I could go on, but you get the picture. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not making excuses. It is my choice to use this convenient technology instead of relying on the power of my mind. However, the fact is that in exercising that choice, I have lost some mental focus and patience.

So How Do I Improve My Focus?

Losing focus is a problem for me. It makes it difficult to do my job and maintain meaningful conversations, among other things. On my journey, I wanted to find a holistic and natural way to regain some of that focus. In 2017 I found the answer. I discovered mindfulness.

In 2017, I decided to take a Buddhist meditation course as an elective in graduate school. While the majority of the course focused on practicing meditation, mindfulness was an essential part of the equation. I always say that mindfulness is a prerequisite to meditation.

In basic terms, meditation is a way to control your mind. Mindfulness is a method of training your mind. However, to me, mindfulness is all about being present in the moment. Mindfulness is training (or re-training) your mind to focus your attention on one thing at a time. Multi-tasking has no place in being mindful.

Again, mindfulness is a type of mental training. Therefore, just like any training, you must practice. In my experience, practicing mindfulness activities each day is an excellent natural way to improve your focus. Practicing mindfulness is easy; you need to slow down. Then, fully engage as many senses as you can to heighten your experience.

Simple Ways to Start Practicing Mindfulness

To practice, mindfulness starts with something simple. For instance, let’s take eating. The next time you eat a meal, think about some of these questions. What flavors do I taste? What aroma do I smell? How does the food feel in my mouth? Do I hear anything when I chew? What colors do I see in the food? Where did the food originate? How was it prepared? Who prepared it? These are just a few example questions to get started with practicing mindfulness.

Use this same premise for all of your activities. Go on a mindful walk, have a conscious conversation, go for a mindful drive, or take a mindful shower or bath. You can even introduce mindfulness to the workplace (see video below). A colleague read this article from the University of Pennsylvania and created a lunch and learn group at work. He gave me permission to share this sample mindfulness lunch and learn agenda and a mindfulness reminder for your desk he was inspired to create. So, please feel free to use these resources to help you and your colleagues practice mindfulness at work. Of course, these are just a few ways to introduce mindfulness into your daily routine.

There are no limits to how you can utilize mindfulness; your imagination is the only limit. Once you start practicing mindfulness, you will most likely experience a shift. You will have more focus; your productivity will increase; you will learn to appreciate the small things again. The benefits are endless. So, choose to live your best life by being present and mindful in each moment!

Start Rising!

My frequency is shifting, which has awakened my inner goddess.  Divine guidance is now leading my journey.  Therefore, I am sharing my knowledge and life experiences.

I hope you find the information I provide on this site useful and inspiring.  I also hope you will be able to discover your own happiness.  Following your dreams is a huge part of elevating your happiness.  Each day you live in that elevation, brings you closer to a living a divinely elevated life of happiness.

If you would like to rise with me, by being an active participant, I invite you to contact me via social media or email.  Additionally, if you would like to receive updates when I post, feel free to subscribe below.

Let’s encourage each other and choose to live our best lives in light, love, and happiness!

Global Angel Wing Project at OUE Skyspace in Los Angeles, CA


***No information provided on this site is intended to serve as professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment***


Divinely Elevated