Angelic Messages and Communication from Heaven

Over 40 years ago, a true angel on earth stepped up to the plate by coming into my life, and I instantly became daddy’s girl. For the first seven years, it was him and me hitting car washes and pool halls. Then my brothers came along, but he never stopped spoiling me. He taught me how to drive, danced with me when I married, paced back and forth when I was giving birth to his grandson, and proudly watched as I walked across the stage to receive my degree.

I love you, dad!

We have traveled to historic places, mountains, oceans and even endured hurricane Katrina together. There was nothing my dad wouldn’t do for me and nothing I wouldn’t do for my dad. He didn’t just say he loved me; he showed his love throughout my life.

On Easter Sunday, 2016, my dad came over for dinner. I cooked all the traditional food my mom would have prepared for Easter dinner. We had a great time laughing and talking about the good memories of mom. After dinner, we took a ride in his new Cadillac to visit mom’s final resting place. That was the last time I saw him alive; he passed of a heart attack the next day. I believe he died of a broken heart because mom had just passed ten months prior.

Losing the physical presence of a loved one is extremely difficult. However, the one thing that brought me to my present joy was believing in the divine. I can still feel my dad’s divine presence as an angel protecting me.

How Do I Know He Still Visits Me?

Three years later, he communicates with me through angelic messages. He loved the University of Louisville Cardinals. Nine times out of ten, if he wasn’t working, you would see him in a bright red Cardinals’ shirt. Additionally, during my childhood, he and I would draw at the kitchen table. Most of the time, it was trying to replicate Sunday Comics. His favorite was Beetle Bailey, mine was Blondie, and we both loved Peanuts. However, we also loved drawing the cardinal bird mascot head. So it was no surprise that the first time I saw a genuine cardinal after his passing, I knew it was him.

“May you come to find comfort in and remember: cardinals appear when angels are near. So go now, sit outside and drink your tea. Keep a lookout for the little red bird — It is there; your loved one will be.”-Victoria McGovern.

How Will You Know if Angels are Sending Messages?

One of my friends asked how I knew when my parents were sending me angelic messages. The answer is within you. Your Inner Goddess will discern when your angels are trying to communicate with you. Let me give you another example. My mom would always tell me that she knew it was from one of her best angels in heaven, her grandmother, when she found a penny. So when I started finding pennies, I knew she was sending them to comfort me. Additionally, my grandfather sends me quarters, and one of my favorite aunts sends me nickels. However, I never found dimes, that is until my dad passed.

Both my parents loved to travel, but my mom was just a bit more adventurous. My dad liked the familiar, so we always went to places no more than a 12-hour drive. That radius included east coast beaches and southern cities. We never traveled west, which is an important fact to consider for this next part.

I remember visiting New Mexico for the first time in 2018. My mom sent me pennies from heaven throughout my stay, but no dimes from dad. When I returned home, I called a Lyft from the airport. As soon as I got in the car, there was a dime on the floor, one single dime. Of course, that was my dad sending an angelic message. I believe he was telling me that while he does not care for the west, he still kept me safe and is happy I am home. So that is how I know; I choose to trust my Inner Goddess. When I trust my Her, angelic messages are so clear.

Final Thoughts

Even though I love him tremendously, I know he is so happy right now with the love of his life! I was blessed to have lived over 40 years with two of the best parents anyone could ever hope to have. So yes, I will always miss them. However, I am at peace in knowing they are at peace and can tell themselves, “We did a beautiful job raising such an amazing daughter.”

If you would like additional guidance or support, just contact us and we can rise together!



We all have a Divinely Elevated (higher) purpose in life to serve the greater good. 

Our Divinely Elevated Purpose is to use our blessed gifts and talents for sharing our light with other sisters searching for healing as well.

So we hope you find the information we provide on this site helpful and it inspires you to start rising!

However, you don’t have to do it alone. Let’s rise together by encouraging all of our sisters to join us in choosing to live our best lives in light, love, peace, and happiness! 

For additional guidance or support, contact us here, or join our DEW Sister Tribe below!



Each week various extended activities, relating to the focus for the week, will be available to our tribe sisters for practice.

Such activities could include meditations, affirmations, worksheets, journal prompts, mentorships and more.

Additionally, you can tap into some amazing positive energy for encouragement, inspiration, motivation, wisdom, love, light, positive energy, and support from other like-minded sisters working toward similar goals.

So check us out sis and let’s start rising together!




The first portion of our travel therapy will include reviews and tips of the places we’ve traveled.

The next portion will include videos highlighting some of our favorite experiences.

The final portion will incorporate our “art therapy” piece into our travels.


First, grab your favorite snacks and beverage.

Then get cozy and ready to experience our unique virtual art gallery exhibition.

Finally, be prepared to elevate your mood and enjoy the show!


A little responsible retail therapy is an awesome way to maintain balance, as well as, raise your vibration.

So head over to our shop and browse around for some unique DEAR originals created with light, love, and positive energy to elevate your space today!


We are all unique, traveling along our own individual journey. Every person’s journey is different, because every person is a unique individual. What may work for one, may not work for another.

YOU (and your Inner Goddess) are the only one who knows what fits best in your journey and what makes the most sense for you.

So, maybe reading doesn’t float your boat or maybe you are a visual learner. Either way, subscribe and follow our Youtube channel today! We update it weekly with short videos regarding mindfulness, meditation, poetry, prayers, angel invocations, and more!





Nikki Rhodes
Lightworker, Educator, Artist

We hope to provide encouragement, inspiration, love, and light to any sister who wants to start rising with us to be Divinely Elevated!

Therefore, all of our services are entirely donation-based. Pay whatever you can, even if that means paying it forward at a later time.

We believe the focus should be on the actual healing. So if you are interested in working with us, feel free to request more information or schedule an appointment.


Phone: 502-233-9305


We have been certified by Divine Guidance to be a light-worker, healer, and educator. Professional education, training, and certifications are included in our nearly 50 years of experience. While we are addressed by many titles; medical doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, or licensed therapist we are not. We provide the information and advice (including sister-friend therapy, art therapy, retail therapy, travel therapy and all other services) on this site in good faith.

No information on this site is intended to serve as professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

We care about your well-being, so if you need assistance beyond our experience, the following is an additional resource:

SAMHSA’s National Helpline, 1-800-662-HELP (4357), (also known as the Treatment Referral Routing Service) or TTY: 1-800-487-4889 is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. Callers can also order free publications and other information.

Divinely Elevated

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